Involved citizenship

Following our guidelines, becoming a citizen of our fair city is a matter of choice and dedication, being a resident in the city is an experience we try to improve on a daily basis (either as a long-time visitor, estemeed guest or even a land-owner), yet with juicier opportunities and higher potential comes higher responsibilities.

With your involvement as citizen comes monthly quotas for chores to be achieved, while anything beyond and above gets you creds, since you effectively and efficiently work for the betterment of the city and our community at large.


Despite those could be seen as a form of currency, creds are not some flimsy coins to flip around but book records of your deeds (and misdeeds), more like a measure of your engagement. One peculiarity of note, the more you use them over a short period of time (or repeated perk), the more it will cost you : pacing oneself is a good recipe to longevity.

Since creds can be redeemed - wherever Ombrelune extends, Skyfall teachs and Aurora reachs - for timely perks in many ways : like renting a luxury villa for a party, getting community's help for a massive build (like in those TV shows), obtaining preferential VIP status at stores or auctions, reserve some materials of the town's communal production, etc..

You must gain them through officially-sanctionned contracts (chores among them)... and yes it costs creds to create such community-minded contracts, except for the town council, which leads us to our next point.

‣ (profile) : founding mayor

‣ (profile) : founding mayor

Community orchestra

Regularly held within the Amphitheatre, you may have heard of our peculiar voice representations (pun intended) for district-level decision making : the Auroran Cooperative.

For instance, one voice goes to the campus headmaster, while many others are also shouldering the duty through their civic functions : watchtower commissioner, auberge inkeeper, lead physician, museum conservator, emporium quatermaster, ranch administrator, head forester, harbor master and last but not least the acting mayor (which also act as a tie-breaker in any such case).

Next, in a similar pattern to village tokens, for every four citizens one represent/host, that individual (or group representative) gets a voice : family heads most often than not. Moreover, a hosting citizen (generally the amenity manager) may gets additionnal voices for year-term residency of declared guests (aka non-citizens), though at a much lower ratio : the orphanage and boarding school being fair examples of such situation.

Finally if a city vote impacts one's declared parcel (job or residence), each individual relevant citizen gets a full voice instead, half as neighbors (non-cumulative obviously). All in all, the more a city event is of concern to yours and yourself, the more your voice will be heard and should be listened to, though that's a matter of debate.

Duties, chores and sanctions

Keep the city "clean and efficient" (see dislikes), somewhat a mantra including on a regular basis : maintenance, cleaning per-se, patrol and surveillance as well as public displays of expertise. All matters coordinated by the watchtower office - by the way, as Player Character, there you may want to borrow some of our *up-to-date offline PC scripts (OPC)*. Semi-automating communal chores through our optimized urban layout is also one of the reasons why there is an exam to become a citizen (check the prime arts in the knowledge section for more info) : the least is to be able to manage civic chores effectively, the best to be able to tackle most situations in life.


Remember that all citizens are entitled to fulfill monthly chores contracts, mostly of their choosing, though we advise not to be too late to select when those are emitted, as some are more tedious than others. :wink: Remember that in any case, citizens have to experience all categories of chores at least once a year, best to look at it as a bingo card, and everybody is a guaranteed winner. :woohoo:


If one is caught making a "simple" mistake, one doesn't just repay but must redeems one-self (and their family's name) through more chores (generally on the more tedious, dangerous or lengthy sprectrum). The Watchtower Office (nicknamed WTO: want-to-organise) generally deals with the whole process, non-compliance may lead to the section and consequences below.

For repeat offenders and "major" mistakes, additional sanctions will be voted and applied by the city itself (as a community) to them and their direct family on top of any punishment that the legal system may apply. Oh and yes, by education, we're vindicative, perceptive and have a collective good memory.

Anything heavier or more sinister may lead to "incapacitate-on-sight" and "persona-non-grata" status, with confiscation of belongings and adverse possession of parcels by the city, in an attempt to recover the losses incured by the victim(s).

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