Jewel in the making

Our people, your neighbors

As funding mayor, there are a few things I can write on my own, like establishing the auroran cooperative, town regulations or current biome considerations. But the lore is what we will make of it, together, especially during Exposition and as early as KoE, a city made by players for players have a lot to narrate.

In later phases and post-launch, in addition to the orphanage welcoming fresh bloo... I mean newly-created players jolsting the status quo and keeping the existing community on their toes, there is also our attractive situation as hot spot for entertainment and lodging. With our multiple resorts, sand beach and natural haven, events aplenty are a safe bet as new and recurring visitors alike blend their stories with us.

You could say that from traveling alumni and esteemed guests to close-knit neighboring ties, our cosmopolite community knows no borders.

Presentation : checked

Who aurorans are and what they live for (identity) : Innovation & Cultivation (aka refinement)

How we'll manage (focus) : Arts, Agroforestry, Ranchology, Education, Workshops, Logistics, Community, Tourism, Common Sense & Urban Planning

Why could it matter to you (interests) : one elaborate place to help shoulder your worries, synergize our efforts and focus on your dreams

Where we are (settings) : In Al'Khezam, south coast of the Asebeian peninsula, the eastern-most province of the Selene continent.

What drives this settlement ahead (principles) :

What we frown upon (dislikes) : Weed (trespassing), Pest (cheating), Toxin (assault), Waste (depravation), Ravage (destruction)

What we look forward to (goals) : Self-sustainability, Exchange, Efficiency, Comfort, Knowledge

Cultural crossroad

Unsurprisingly, most known languages can be learned and heard along our streets and establishments, as diverse and mixed as our population, through naturally to'reshian **croçais is our official written language**, especially for legal and business endeavors.

As you'll notice when visiting, our street signs have an attached pictogram to help tourists and visitors alike, while some of the academy students are on guide duties at the port and coaching station.

Biome considerations

Found between 300-1200m above sea level {ahem, yeah sure} the Woodland Savanna is a type of grassland that has woods spread across much of its otherwise featureless surface, but that aren’t big or lush enough to create a canopy so most sunlight still reaches the ground under the trees. Often found in the humid tropics, they sometimes occur in subtropical or temperate latitudes as well.

Annual rainfall is between 60-110cm, and the water retention rate of the soil is 40% {compared to more than 80% defined in the wetlands}. Rivers snake through the region from higher elevation run off, and settlements tend to crop up near them. The ground is arable and suitable for farming crops or rearing livestock, but there also exists wild game of all sizes.

Making up 55% of the total population are To’resk, with 15-20% of Neran and The Waerd also having migrated southward to the region. The religion in the area is predominantly Qindred, but Virtori missions can also be found. Food is neither abundant or scarce, thanks to the variety of agriculture and supplementary hunting. As such, the overall population is relatively average, in line with the Lower Montane Forest or Swamp, just a little higher than the Taiga, but fewer people than the Broadleaf Forest or Tropical Rainforest.